Book Review: A Woman’s Life by Guy de Maupassant

The blurb:

A Woman’s Life (Une Vie, 1883), the most popular and perhaps the greatest of his full-length novels, is the story of the unfortunate Jeanne, a Norman gentlewoman. Avariche and lechary, cruelty and greed, conspire against Jeanne wherever she goes: her husband turns out to be a lavscivious boor, her son a heedless spendthrift. In the end she is forced to sell her old family house just to stay alive.


What I thought:

Who would have thought that such a little book (just 202 pages) could incite so many different emotions (on the part of the reader as well as the characters). One minutes I was swooning over landscape and seascape and melting in Maupassants prose, and the next I was wanting to ring the protagonists neck!

The book starts with a young Jeanne who is on her last ever day at the convent school in 1819 and who is desperate to taste freedom and start her life after being cooped up for so long, only being able to stare out of windows and dream what her life will be like when she is finally out in the world. Jeanne’s daydreams are filled with longing and a restless spirit that is aching to see far away lands and nature and finally breathe after all these years at school. Jeanne’s parents (a Baron and Baroness) pick her up on her last day and drive her to Poplars which is to become her home by the sea. Maupassants narrative is so beautiful in parts that I longed to be there too; to experience what Jeanne was experiencing.

“First of all facing her was a broad lawn as yellow as butter under the night sky. Two tall trees rose up like steeples in front of the hous, a plane to the north and a linden to the south.”

“Jeanne gazed at the broad surface of the sea, which looked like watered silk, sleeping peacefully under the stars. In the quiet of the sunless sky all the scents of the earth rose up into the air. A jessamine climbing round the downstairs windows gave a penetrating scent, which mingled with the fainter smell of the young leaves. Gentle gusts of wind were blowing, laden with the sharp tang of the salt and the heavy sticky reek of seaweed. At first the girl was happy just breathing the night air; the peace of the countryside had the calming effect of a cool bath.”

Jeanne’s first few months are spent getting to know her new surroundings and enjoying her freedom and soon she is introduced to a young man by the name of Julien who is a count and after a breif and all-consuming romance they marry. Jeanne starts to pick up clues that all is not what it seemed as early as the wedding night when he forces himself on his new bride but desperately wanting to believe that she has married the right man and stay happy she puts it to one side. I feel the need to note here (for amusements sake) that Julien calls his wifes breasts Mr Sleeper-out and Mr Kiss-me-quick and certain other part of her womanly anatomy The road to Damascus. Fortunatley these aren’t mentioned more than once.

The story is very much about the downward spiral of one woman’s life. We watch Jeanne’s hopes and desires and dreams turn into boredom and frustration and self-pity.

“Suddenly she realised that she had nothing to do and never would have anything.”

“But now the magic reality of those first days was about to become the every day reality, which closed the door on those hopes and delightful enigmas of the unknown.”

“Habit spread over her life like a layer of resignation like the chalky deposit left on the ground by certain kinds of of water.”

“Sometimes she would spend the whole afternoon sitting looking at the sea; sometimes she went down to Yport through the wood, repeating the walks of old days which she could not forget. What a long time it was since she had wondered through the countryside as a young girl intoxicated with dreams!”

Maupassant has such a way with words that he drew me into Jeanne’s world and I felt the same longing she felt. It took me back to days when I had the world at my feet too and thought I could do anything, had no cares in the world – OK so my carefree days were a little different to Jeanne’s as in rather than floating round some big mansion by the sea, it was made up of nights out on the town, no mortgage to pay and a feeling of being able accountable to nobody except myself (ahh, to be so naive once more!).  I do sometimes wonder how I would have coped in those days – one part of me thinks how lovely to do nothing all day other than read my books and take little walks round the garden with my parasol in hand, and the other part thinks but what would happen when you got bored of that? A woman didn’t have a choice then. In those particular circles they were there to look pretty and be seen but not so much heard. How dull!

Despite my sympathy towards Jeanne, not just because of her longing for something else but also because of her brutish husband and selfish son, I still found myself wanting to grab her shoulders and give her a good shake! My God, this woman can make a fuss. Her level of self-pity knows no bounds – we have hysterics, weeping, falling on someones breast and weeping, collapsing on a chair and weeping, we have fainting, panic attacks and wailing. There were times when I wanted to yell “get a grip, love!” at the pages.

“She continually repeated: ‘I have no luck in life.’ But Rosalie would retort: ‘What would you say if you had to earn your living and had to get up at six every morning and go out to work? There are plenty of women who have to do that, and when they are too old to work, they starve to death.'”


This book, I believe, should have been translated as One Woman’s Life rather than A Woman’s Life as it is very much about Jeanne and her personal story. 

I read quite a few Maupassant books when I was at school (we studied Boule de Suife and some of his other shorter stories) but it’s far too long since I have read anything else of his. I’m glad I did – it reminded me why I liked him. Recommended.

10 thoughts on “Book Review: A Woman’s Life by Guy de Maupassant

  1. i love maupassant ,i ve been slowly working through vol 1 of his complete shrt stories ,i hope at some point to read his novels as well


  2. Sounds interesting, Boof. Do you think that her hysterics, etc. are because this is written by a man? If a woman had written it, would the reader get a different perspective on the character? I find that often male writers really don’t have a good understanding of women’s feelings and motivations.


    • That’s really interesting that you should say that, Gabriele, as I wondered exactly the same thing (in fact I intended to question it in my review but forgot).

      I would say so but only because the hysterics were so over the top. I certainly could never imagine one of the Bronte sisters letting their characters behave that way.

      At first, I thought he had really got under a womans skin because of the way he portrayed her longing for things she couldn’t have, but then both Jeanne and her mother almost became characetures in places.

      I’m interested to hear what others think?


  3. My wife ran across this blog today and showed it to me..

    She thought is was funny to read the title of the book and realize the name of the author, i.e. (A Woman’s Life by Guy de Maupassant).

    She said, “What does a Guy know about any Woman’s Life?”

    Anyway, sounds like a good read… Is it readily available?




    • Ha ha, I didn’t even think about that. She’s right though!

      I found my copy in a sale but they do have it on Amazon too. Oxford University Press have just launched a new and updated version that they just call “A Life” and that is readily available I believe. I’d be interested to see how they have updated the translation actually, as my copy was translated in 1965 so is probably a tad dated now.

      I hope you enjoy if you do read – and if you do let me know if you think this “guy” really does understand women 🙂 (I’m not so sure).


  4. I found your blog via the Hop-I read and posted on Pierre et Jean not long ago-really a great novella-I will look for this work in the stores-I am now a follower of your blog


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